Creating A Productive Workspace …With Plants!

Blog | Creating A Productive Workspace

Why you should consider creating a productive workspace (full of plants)

Does creating a productive workspace really come down to something as simple as harnessing the powers of nature? Throw a plant in a corner? Science says it sure helps! It helps to decrease noise, stress, and absenteeism, at the very least. Once upon a time I wrote this blog article and felt like I wanted to expand on it for Grow Our Light readers!

Get ready to experience a workplace transformation like no other! Picture this: a workplace where noise fades into the background, stress takes a backseat, and absenteeism becomes a distant memory. Now, brace yourself for the delightful revelation—we're about to spill the secret ingredient behind this remarkable change: plants! That's right, those green wonders have more power than meets the eye.

In this blog post, we're diving headfirst into the world of plants and their astonishing ability to conquer common workplace challenges. So, fasten your seatbelts as we embark on a playful yet professional exploration of how incorporating plants in the workplace can work wonders for reducing noise, stress, and absenteeism. Let's dive in and uncover plants' magical benefits to your professional haven!

The impact of noise on workplace productivity and well-being

Get ready to turn down the volume on workplace chaos! Excessive noise in the office can be a real productivity buzzkill, not to mention a major stress inducer. Picture this: ringing phones, chatty colleagues, and the relentless clatter of keyboards drowning out your thoughts. It's no wonder concentration takes a nosedive, productivity suffers, and overall well-being takes a hit.

But fear not because we're about to unveil an unexpected hero in the battle against noise: plants! These leafy wonders can potentially restore peace and harmony to your workplace soundscape. Don't just take our word for it—research backs up the negative impact of noise on productivity and well-being. It's time to create a productive workspace that boosts your overall health!


Studies show that plants can reduce high-frequency noise by as much as 20% and can provide as much sound dampening as adding a carpet to a room. Plants are a much cheaper (and practical) alternative than carpeting a workspace.

Maintaining focus and improving mood in the workplace

When it comes to staying focused and maintaining a positive mood in the workplace, these green companions have got your back. Let's explore how these leafy wonders can turn your workspace into a productivity paradise while putting a smile on your face.

Plant Power Boost: Goodbye to distractions and hello creating a productive workspace with laser-sharp focus! Plants play a remarkable role in creating a conducive environment for concentration. By absorbing background noise and reducing reverberations, they create a harmonious soundscape that allows your mind to stay in the zone. Say goodbye to the constant ping of notifications and hello to uninterrupted workflow. Let those plants work their magic as your concentration soars to new heights.

Mood-Boosting Botanicals: Feeling a bit down? Need a pick-me-up? Look no further than your friendly neighborhood plants. They're not just green eye candy; they profoundly impact your mood. Plants in the workplace have been shown to reduce stress levels, promote relaxation, and increase overall well-being. So, say goodbye to those gloomy Mondays and hello to a cheerful, energized workspace. The sight of vibrant greenery is bound to bring a smile to your face and make each workday a little brighter.


Studies show that having plants in the workplace, ideally where the employees can see them, will actually reduce stress and improve your overall mood. This increases productivity by as least 12% and up to 38%.

Upping the humidity game at work

These leafy companions do more than look good; they can level up the humidity in your workplace. Say goodbye to dry, stuffy air and hello to a comfortable and invigorating environment. Let's dive into how plants work their magic and breathe fresh air into your workspace.

Plant-Infused Moisture: Boosting Workplace Humidity Dry air got you feeling parched? Plants have your back! As plants undergo photosynthesis, they release moisture vapor through a process called transpiration. This gentle exhalation adds moisture to the surrounding air, increasing humidity levels naturally. With the help of our leafy friends, you can get busy creating a productive workspace and bid farewell to that desert-like atmosphere. Create an oasis of comfortable humidity!

The Benefits of Balanced Humidity: But why does humidity matter? Maintaining optimal humidity levels in the workplace is crucial for our well-being. Dry air can lead to various discomforts, including dry skin, irritated eyes, and respiratory issues. On the other hand, balanced humidity promotes physical comfort, improves cognitive function, reduces fatigue, and enhances overall productivity. With plants lending a hand in humidity regulation, you'll work in an environment that keeps you refreshed and revitalized.


Plants take in our carbon dioxide and give back oxygen in exchange. Oxygen is made of mostly water molecules, which moisturizes and refreshes the air we breathe, which helps to reduce headaches, fatigue, and even cold-like symptoms.

Keeping you and your peers less sick

These green warriors beautify our surroundings and act as natural guardians against the sick build-up that can lead to frequent absences. Get ready to discover how plants are vital in preventing those unwanted sick days, allowing you to thrive by creating a productive workspace that is healthy.

Purifying Pioneers: Cleaning the Air
Did you know that indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air? To the rescue come plants! They possess the incredible ability to purify the air by absorbing harmful toxins and releasing oxygen. Plants create a healthier and cleaner atmosphere by reducing pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This, in turn, helps prevent the spread of airborne illnesses, minimizing the chance of sick build-up among employees.

Natural Immune Boosters: Strengthening Well-being
When it comes to fighting off illnesses, our immune systems are our first line of defense. Enter plants, the natural boosters of well-being! Studies have shown that the presence of plants in the workplace can enhance our immune response, reducing illness. The phytoncides emitted by certain plants have antimicrobial properties, effectively combatting airborne pathogens. With these green guardians by our side, we're better equipped to ward off pesky germs and maintain optimal health.


Plants are shown to strengthen the immune system. The Agricultural University in Oslo, Norway, conducted a study of more than 45 offices and found that plants can reduce headaches by 30%, sore/dry coughs by 30%, coughs by 40%, and dry facial skin by 25%. It was also shown to reduce employee absenteeism to upwards of 60% just by having plants in the office.

Harness nature and thrive at work

To recap, incorporating plants into the workspace offers many benefits that positively impact both employees and the overall work environment! Not only do plants contribute to reducing noise levels and preventing absenteeism, but they also play a crucial role in enhancing well-being and mental health. Studies have shown that having one large plant for every 2-3 people in a room is the key to unlocking these major benefits.

Furthermore, plants help in creating a productive workspace by acting as natural stress relievers. They promote relaxation and improve mental well-being. The calming presence of greenery has been shown to reduce stress levels, enhance mood, and create a more positive and productive atmosphere. Employees can experience reduced stress, increased job satisfaction, and improved overall mental health with the right balance of plants in the workspace

So, it's time to embrace the power of plants and recognize their ability to transform the workplace. By following the guideline of having one large plant for every 2-3 individuals, we can unlock the full potential of these natural wonders. Let's create an environment where productivity soars, stress levels plummet, and employee well-being thrives. Incorporating plants into the workspace is a simple and cost-effective way to reap their numerous benefits, making the workplace a happier, healthier, and more harmonious space for everyone involved.

Joey Natale

Greetings, I'm your trusted career coach for all things young professional! From transforming daily stressors into exciting opportunities, to providing a fresh perspective on your personal and professional growth, I'm here to help you reach your goals with a smile on your face. You might spot me sipping on a cool kombucha, conquering new heights rock climbing, or venturing out to explore new hobbies and make new friends.

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